Answered By: Jennifer Kasch
Last Updated: Apr 17, 2024     Views: 40

1. Select "File" then "Print"

2. Under "Settings," choose "Print Active Sheets," or "Print Selection" instead of "Print Entire Workbook"

   -Printing the active sheet prints the sheet you are currently working on. 

   -Printing the entire workbook prints all of the data contained in the Excel document.

   -Printing a selection prints the cells that are currently selected. 

excel print options screenshot

Another option is to "Set Print Area" first: 

1. In the document, select the cells you would like to print by using the cursor to draw a box around them. 

2. Under the "Page Layout" tab, select "Print Area" and then "Set Print Area"

3. Select "File" then "Print" as usual. The cells you have selected will be the only content that prints. 

Excel set print area options

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